Fusionsoft to launch PMP navigation 'odd-i P480' adopting DaVinci chip


SEOUL, Korea (AVING) -- Fusionsoft(www.fusionsoft.co.kr) launched its PMP navigation device ‘odd-i P480’ in Korea market, which is equipped with DaVinci chip enabling users to enjoy a variety of video files without encoding.

Adopting Samsung’s 4.8-inch WQVGA LCD, SiRF Star III GPS chipset and Mando's Mappy United 5.0, the odd-I P480 supports S-DMB, up to 60GB hard disk and TV input/output port with which users can record and watch TV program via the navigation. It also offers interactive education content ‘Ten English Club', electronic dictionary function and scheduler software ‘uPIM’.

(Via AVING WORLD | English.)

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