Hitachi W53H


Hitachi W53H: "

Hitachi W53H

Hitachi just announced W53H, a really sleek phone also known as Wooo. It’ll come in three colors; namely Japan Black, Nordic White, and Euro Purple. The main attraction with W53H is of course the slim body measuring only 14.2mm’s, metallic accents around the edge and the hinges, and super smooth surface. And of course there’s the 2.8″ OLED TV like screen that covers a big section of the inside without losing space near the edges. It has a 10000:1 contrast ratio for bringing the best image quality from any angle.

W53H can accept microSD cards, on which it can record videos almost up to 2 hours with a 2GB card. It also has a 2MP camera, an infra red port, and even a TV receiver which can you watch up to 4.5 hours after a full charge. And finally of course it has GPS, or why else would it be on Navigadget? The navigation software on Wooo can guide to destination both with sound and vibration and in addition you can search for a place via voice input.

It is for pre-order in Japan currently…

(Via NaviGadget.)

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