Garmin's New nuvi 700's Do Multi-Destination Routing, has "Dude, Where's My Car" Function


Garmin's New nuvi 700's Do Multi-Destination Routing, has "Dude, Where's My Car" Function: "

Apart from the 4.3' wide-screen display, FM transmitter, Text-to-Speech, MSN Direct, and Bluetooth, Garmin is sweetening the pot with some fancy new features not previously seen on Garmin's models: All three models (nuvi 750, 760, & 770) will support multi-destination routing, choice of routing method (fastest time, distance, pedestrian, etc.), and 'Where am I' and 'Where did I park my car' features.

But that's just the beginning. Garmin's new GPS will finally let you store up to ten routes for multiple destinations. So you can tell the GPS how you want to get to your destination. Hit the jump for all the juicy details.

Replacing the nuvi 600-series as Garmin's highest end GPS offering, the nuvi 750, 760, and 770 will share the same 4.3' display (480 x 272 pixels), FM transmitter, 5 hour battery life, Garmin's newest 2008 maps, Text-to-Speech for announcing actual street names, the ability to enter up to 10 destinations and sort by distance (route optimization), and choose the route method (faster time, shorter distance, off road, pedestrian). Gone is the fold-out patch antenna found on the nuvi 600-series: the nuvi 700 has an internal antenna and the case is slimmer than the nuvi 600 models.

The new units will also allow you to create custom Points of Interest (POIs), and make use of MSN Direct for live traffic, weather, movie listings, and gas prices. Also new, the 700 series displays speed limit information for many interstates and highways.

According to Garmin's blog; 'At any time, with a single tap of the screen, drivers can display their exact latitude and longitude coordinates, the nearest address and intersection, and the closest hospitals, police stations and gas stations. And to help drivers find their car in an unfamiliar spot or crowded parking lot, the nüvis in the 700 series automatically mark the position in which they were last removed from the windshield mount.'

The nuvi 750 will ship with North American maps and optional traffic for $642 suggested retail price. The 760 adds realtime traffic via the included MSN Direct receiver and Bluetooth for $857. For the ocean-hopping crowd, the 770 includes maps of both North America and Europe.

The nuvi 680 currently enjoys the GPSmagazine Editor's Choice as the overall best GPS unit around. Here's to hoping the new 700 units are just as easy to use, and improve upon an already excellent unit.

The new nuvis are scheduled to hit store shelves in mid-September.

(Via GPS Magazine.)

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