GPS Compass Could Make for the Grandest Treasure Hunt of All Time


GPS Compass Could Make for the Grandest Treasure Hunt of All Time

Allow me to geek out for a moment. I mean, really geek out—more than dressed up D&D geek out. I mean like, this is the shit you don't share with people for fear of complete social and parental ostracism.

I want to participate in a hunt for buried treasure. (Preferably lost pirate gold.)

With this concept called the EMIL Experience Outdoors, you can plot your own points on a map and its integrated GPS, instead of providing lame turn-by-turn directions, gives you north, south east and west variants of the way there.

So it feels just like you're using a compass, even though you will eventually reach a very specific endpoint. And If I have a say, that endpoint will reveal buried treasure. (Preferably lost pirate gold.)

The implications, for adventurous but tied-down-by-technology men such as myself, are nothing short of an worldwide race of 8 teams to a prize of immeasurable value. (Preferably lost pirate gold.) Far greater than some lame reality TV show, we will be confined to pre-airplane transportation, outfitted with non-lethal, non-painful weaponry, and encouraged to dress ourselves with strange disguises, sometimes posing as an attractive member of the opposite sex, to mislead our competitors.

(Via Gizmodo: GPS.)

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